2005/12/10 | Management
类别(repeat) | 评论(6) | 阅读(302) | 发表于 17:10
B: What's that?
S: That's a sweet potato.
     Do you want to eat it?
B: Yes_yes! How much it is? 100yuan?
S: Oh,no! It's very cheap.Let me buy one for you.
B: Why its so cheap,why?
S: ……Here for you.
B: oh,oh, Hot! Hot!
S: Why don't you carry it?
(After a few minutes)
S: Oh,you should eat it out of clothes!
B: Why,why I can't eat the peal, it tastes good.
S: No why, we always eat it without peal.  It's general knowledge.
B: Why,why,why? I like eat it.
S: If you take it, you'll be ill.
B: ……
(B put the peal in the bin and he looked sad.)

B likes loosening other people's shoelaces. So if you wear the sports shoes, the shoelaces will loosed whole day.
One day, Canada ABC Mr.T ,  B and some friend sat in the living room.
S: Yi, where's B? I saw him there just now.
T: Me,too.
At that time, someting was moving near his foot.So he lowered his head,and he saw——
B and an useless(die) knot shoelace.
B: It's not my fault!

B likes taking underground. He has a car,but he goes home by underground.
He put about one thousand yuan in the transportation card each time.

B is clever. He learns Chinese by himself with the word card.
One time ,he had known how to say why in Chinese.
He say that sentence everyday evertime if he can say someting .
Finally S got angry.She asked B,Why?
Then B said: Because ——I don't know.(The sentence was said in Chinese)

S: You are crazy.
B: My name is D. Nice to meet you.
S: Nice to meet you.
( They are shaking hands.)

There are no countries in the world. All people are the same.They just live in one country——
the Earth.  CLAMP said.
I have no discontant  about that.

